The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is a nationally renowned institution of higher learning. 我们致力于为学生提供世界一流的综合性牙科教育, affordable patient care for adults and children in a humanistic environment.

Our school is highly regarded for its:

  • 以人为本的教育模式,尊重每个人的尊严,培养无限的成长潜力;
  • Accelerated year-round predoctoral program where students are able to complete four academic years of instruction in three calendar years; and
  • 创新牙科课程,包括全面的病人护理和能力教育.
original school location
What We Are

1896年成立于旧金山,当时是内科和外科医生学院,最终于1962年成为博彩平台网址大全的一部分, the Arthur A. Dugoni牙科学院致力于在湾区提供以学生为中心的教育项目和最高质量的口腔保健.

Student volunteers at Senior Smiles
Who We Are

The magic of the Dugoni School is in its people:

  • 550 students and residents
  • 507 faculty (69 full-time; 217 part-time, 221 adjunct)
  • 221 staff/administrators
  • 8,000+ living alumni

A program dedicated to excellence

  • 这是美国唯一一所拥有长达数十年提供全年课程记录的牙科学校, accelerated three-year DDS program.
  • 以尊重每个人的尊严和培养无限成长潜力的人文教育模式而闻名全国
  • Offering degrees or certificates through seven academic programs

  • Doctorate of Dental Surgery programInternational Dental Studies program
  • Graduate Orthodontic program
  • Advanced Education in Endodontology
  • Advanced Education in General Dentistry
  • International General Dentist Educator program
  • Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program

Commitment to quality patient care

  • 旧金山和联合城的大学诊所以及北加州的校外诊所

  • Provides approximately $500,每年提供1万美元的无偿牙科护理,并以大幅降低的价格再提供1000万美元的护理,以帮助旧金山湾区文化和社会经济多样化的人口更容易获得护理

  • Approximately 118,000 patient visits per year; 28,000 active patients
Viewbook cover detail
Dugoni School Viewbook
Get an Inside View

You’ll find a world of opportunities as a member of the Dugoni School family. Check out our new viewbook and see what our students have to say about their experience!


Year in Review

The Dugoni School family makes a difference in the lives of thousands of people each year, and we are fulfilling our purpose of helping people lead healthy lives. Our Year in Review 报告重点介绍了去年在我们的学术项目中发生的一些重大博彩平台网址大全排名, clinical services, research, community outreach and other areas.

year in review


Our Purpose is to Help People Lead Healthy Lives

We grow and inspire a diverse community of learners through our humanistic culture. Building on a distinguished tradition, we provide exceptional education; offer personalized quality patient care; support collaborative research; and foster commitment to service.


Improving Health and Wellness through Innovation in Programs, Partnerships and People

The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is an innovative and renowned leader in health and wellness. As a leader, our programs prepare healthcare providers for current, future and evolving practice models. The Dugoni School integrates inter-professional education with patient care, keeping humanism at its core. We educate beginning and established healthcare professionals for an array of career paths.

签名伙伴关系支持我们的项目,并加强健康、教育、研究和服务. Partnerships reduce tuition dependence and create opportunities for students, faculty, and staff development.

Powered by its people, 杜戈尼学校为满足学生需求的人文教育和领导力树立了标准, patients, alumni, the organized profession, and the public.

Core Values


By accentuating the positive, setting high standards and respecting the individual, we provide the best possible learning, working and healthcare environment for every member of our community.

Courage — being willing to take risks, doing what is right not easy

Empowerment — supporting and inspiring individuals to fulfill their potential

Excellence — achieving the highest quality in all that we do

Innovation — imagining and applying bold, creative approaches

Integrity — exemplifying the highest personal and professional ethical principles

Leadership — inspiring through vision and challenging others to effect positive change

Learn more about how the school's purpose, vision and values are reflected in the Dugoni School's strategic plan, Transforming the Future of Oral Health Education.

Defining Humanism

我们对人文主义的看法是基于对明确期望的诚实沟通以及对勤奋努力的积极支持. Although kindness is valued, humanism is not interpreted to mean softness, weakness, or superficial niceness. 事实上,人文主义对牙科学校社区的每个成员都负有重大责任. In order for this approach to work, faculty members must be models of the profession’s highest standards, and they must teach in a way that encourages and energizes students. Students, in turn, are expected to set very high standards, to work hard, and to take personal responsibility for their own learning process.

Examples of humanistic student-faculty interaction at the Dugoni School:


  • Good work ethic
  • Constructive feedback
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Addressing the issue
  • Celebrating achievement
  • Excellence
  • High ethical standards
  • Professional responsibility
  • Increasing independence
  • Attainment of competence


  • Minimum effort
  • Authoritarian behavior
  • Public criticism
  • Ignoring the problem    
  • Dwelling on the negative
  • Expedience
  • Ethical compromise
  • Avoiding responsibility
  • Continued dependence
  • Tolerance of inability

The Arthur A. Dugoni牙科学院是美国唯一一所拥有数十年全年提供课程记录的牙科学校, accelerated three-year DDS program. Our challenging, 全年的学术课程准备毕业生提供优质的牙科保健,以公众和进入一个不断变化的世界,这将要求他们成为终身学习者.

牙科外科博士学位课程为期36个月,于7月开始,分为12个季度, each consisting of 10 weeks of instruction, 一周的考试和长短不等的假期(一至四周). Our DDS program combines basic biomedical, preclinical, and clinical science subjects with applied behavioral sciences, 让学生有机会成长为全面发展的医生,以技巧和同情心治疗病人.

The Arthur A. Dugoni牙科学院以培养优秀的临床训练有素的牙医而自豪. Our graduates develop the tools they need to adapt to an ever-changing world, 在哪里需要新的技能和知识来跟上先进的技术和日益多样化的人口所面临的挑战.

Our students begin their clinical instruction on their first day of dental school. The students learn from the beginning that excellent patient care involves technical skills, communication skills and a humanistic viewpoint. Because of this approach to education, our graduates are in very high demand by both practicing dentists and graduate programs.

我们学院是以能力为基础的牙科教育的先驱,这种方法用经验取代了传统的临床要求系统,确保毕业生拥有技能, 对普通牙科独立执业的理解和专业价值观. 学校的综合病人护理计划是基于私人牙科诊所的概念,学生承担指定病人的治疗责任, consultation and referral for specialty care.

以能力为基础的临床模式在初始执照考试中始终保持最高的通过率之一,并且有一种尊重所有个人潜力的社区意识. 我们的学生接受了出色的临床训练,为我们的学校赢得了全国知名度.

来自全国各地的牙医来到Dugoni学校学习先进的技术,并进一步了解牙科. Every year, 牙科学校为执业牙科专业人员举办了许多继续教育项目. Even the best dentists come to our school to become better.

Bridge Builders
Diversity and Inclusion

我们仍然坚定地致力于促进和维持一个公民社会,为共同理解和表达个人和集体真理提供机会. Moreover, 我们决心维持一个不分年龄,尊重所有人的社会, citizenship, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, geographic origin, language, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Dean Nadershahi
Nader A. Nadershahi, DDS, MBA, EdD
Message from the Dean

You'll find a world of opportunities at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. Through clinical experiences, research, community service and leadership opportunities, you'll grow both as a person and as a professional. You'll learn more about the important connections between oral health and overall health, and study with leading experts in the field.

PHCC campus entrance
Pacific Health Care Collaborative

Now being constructed in Sacramento, and capitalizing on the strength of Pacific’s three health professional schools, 这一开创性的举措将把牙科和医疗服务结合在一个教学环境中.

Dean Dugoni with Golden Gate in background
Remembering a legend
Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni ’48

Read about the remarkable life of our Dean Emeritus Dr. 杜戈尼(1925 - 2020),他一生的服务、领导和卓越激励了成千上万的人.

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